Virtual File System

Virtual File System (VFS)

Elementary uses the notion of a virtual file system to coordinate audio processing nodes which have dependencies on large, static audio buffers. A common example is the el.sample node which manages playback of an audio sample, or el.table which performs an interpolated read from a lookup table. Using the virtual file system enables internal shared memory optimizations and allows the audio processing nodes to remain lightweight.

:::info While we refer to this feature as a virtual "file system," it's really just a flat storage object which maps from an arbitrary string name (key) to a single-channel buffer of audio data (value).

In future versions, the API naming may be updated to reflect this. The native C++ interface already referes to the same feature as a "shared resource map." :::

Loading data into the VFS

The process for loading data into the virtual file system depends on how you're using Elementary, although the concept is the same everywhere: you add key-value entries to the virtual file system map, where the key is a "virtual file path" or simply a name of your choosing, and the value is an audio buffer, and then you build your audio graph by referencing the associated name or virtual file path of the buffer you want to use.

If you're working strictly in JavaScript with one of the provided renderers, consult the documentation for your specific renderer on adding entries to the VFS.

If you're working with the C++ API, see elem::Runtime<FloatType>::updateSharedResourceMap. For your custom integrations, it may be worth establishing a dedicated message or FFI to allow your scripting environment to make calls to this native method. This is exactly how the provided renderers offer their VFS APIs.

Reading data from the VFS

Again the details differ here depending on your use case. In most cases, however, you will simply read from the VFS by giving relevant nodes the right name or virtual file system path to perform the lookup themselves. For example, suppose that we've loaded a particular buffer into the map with the name "sample0":

// In the case of the web-renderer, for example we might use Web APIs to fetch and decode the
// audio buffer data, then `updateVirtualFileSystem` to load it in
let res = await fetch('');
let sampleBuffer = await ctx.decodeAudioData(await res.arrayBuffer());
  'sample0': sampleBuffer.getChannelData(0),

or equivalently:

std::vector<float> myAudioBuffer (...);
runtime->updateSharedResourceMap("sample0",, myAudioBuffer.size());

Now we should be ok to render an audio graph which references sample0 from one of the appropriate nodes:

// In our JavaScript environment somewhere
core.render(el.sample({path: 'sample0'}, 1, 1));


As of v2.1.0, you can now use the listVirtualFileSystem() method on the web and offline renderers, or equivalently the getSharedResourceMapKeys() method on the elem::Runtime<FloatType> interface, to list by name the contents of shared map. This API intentionally does not share access to the underlying buffers to ensure immutability and thread safety.


As of v2.1.0, you can also now use the pruneVirtualFileSystem() method on the web and offline renderers, or equivalently the pruneSharedResourceMap() method on the elem::Runtime<FloatType> interface, to remove contents from the shared map that are not actively being used by any of the processing graph.

With Custom Native Nodes

Lastly, if you find yourself needing a custom native node with a dependency on the virtual file system, you can access the shared buffer map by overriding elem::GraphNode<FloatType>::setProperty. The GraphNode API provides two different setProperty overloads, one of which carries a reference to Elementary's internal SharedResourceMap<FloatType>& resources. From there you'll be able to grab a pointer to the audio buffer you need by name.